Hangout about Language-Learning

Do you have questions about language-learning for which you’d like to know the answer? I just did a Hangout for participants of the Add1Challenge where they could ask all kinds of questions related to their learning.

Watch the recording of this video call by clicking on the video below.

Haven’t heard of the Add1Challenge before? It’s a 90-day challenge with the goal of having a 15-minute conversation in your target language at the end. I’m studying Hebrew and the challenge is helping me make incredible progress – will give you an update on Monday. Anyway, I recommend the Add1Challenge to anyone who seriously wants to improve. The next batch will start in a couple weeks. Check it out!

Full disclosure: if you do join the Add1Challenge based on a link from this page, I will get a bonus, but I would recommend it anyway, because I’m deriving so much value from it.